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Anne Goodman

Anne Goodman

Volunteer Spotlights
Anne Goodman Makes Birthdays Sing!
Celebrating the 90th birthday of her elder friend Marciana.
By Elsa Lorenzo & Bobbie Kaplan

For much of her life, Anne Goodman had a career as a nutritionist. After that, she went from nourishing people’s bodies to feeding people’s souls when she became an RSVP volunteer.

Anne found her way to Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly, an organization dedicated to relieving isolation and loneliness in the elderly by helping them experience the power and beauty of friendship, as well as the joy of just being alive.

Anne receives a list of people’s birthdays six months ahead of time. On someone’s special day, she sings “Happy Birthday” to them over the phone. Anne even re-learned to play the guitar to make the song more cheerful and special. “They love getting the call and making the connection!” she says.

Anne also calls Marciana (originally from Brazil), who was difficult to understand at first. By phoning Marciana once a week for 20-30 minutes, Anne understands Marciana better and better each time. Not only did Anne hop on her bike to visit Marciana in person, but she was also invited to Marciana’s 90th birthday party!

Anne says she is “driven” to volunteer. She wants to be “a voice in the wilderness for people who are isolated; to be a vital connection in case someone needs help.” Most of all, she wants her elderly friends to know “that someone is thinking of them.” In return, Anne experiences tremendous warmth and affection from her friendships. She makes with her people. Is it any wonder she feels like singing?